Tuesday, June 9, 2009

F - i - v - e

Dear Mari,

Wow where has the time gone? It feels like just yesterday I was holding you in my arms for the first time and now you have become a little lady!!

Beautiful. Silly. Confident. Stubborn. Dramatic. Passionate. Caring. Artistic. Talkative. There are days that I loose myself in your eyes and wonder how you became the person you are today. Are you really my daughter? I am so grateful for who you are. You have taught me so many great things and opened up my eyes to a new world.

You make my heart sing out loud when I look in the rear view mirror of my minivan. I see you break out in song as your limbs start dancing and I smile at your honesty. You are always happy and pure and I want to bottle your soul up for the next day. And. The next.

I am SO proud to be your mother. Happy 5th birthday sweet sweet sweetest Mari.

Forever and ever yours,


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